A note on Mental Health

I must acknowledge when my body does something marvelous. Just couple of days ago I had a break through. I felt really for the first time in my life how mental health feels. It felt like those pharmaceutical ads when people walk out in nature and they open their arms and the sky is blue and a slight breeze brushes through their hair. I have been putting a lot of effort into my healing, especially the past 2 years, and the last year following a life changing crisis. And I had no idea how true well being feels like because i was stuck in self protection mode from potential danger, with walls and shields placed carefully around me for protection. 

How mental healing looks like.. 

It feels like growing up and taking responsibility. I take responsibility for my well being for my health, to clean up my act. It looks messy and at times like riding a roller coaster, blind folded, or that you are leaping off a rock in the dark blindfolded, in mid air, not knowing where you will land. It feels emotional, at times hopeless and at other times filled with hopes. I think my healing started when I sat with my feelings and expanded into compassion. I remember deep in the ‘muck’ I felt an emergency to solve my relationship problems and claimed it all to come to immediate !!RESOLUTION!!. But truth is that it is ok not to rush things. I think when we pressure ourselves we don’t make good decisions. There is no need to rush but to do our own inner independent work instead of pointing fingers is way more important. Finding who we are and what sparks us independent from one particular relationship or situation that caused us to ‘loose it’. Healing is about doing enough digging that our patterns become visible and we gain an understanding of our complex relationship pattern to others (things and concepts included) around us.  Healing is to be brave enough and be willing to untie the toxic bonding and toxic threads of ALL OF OUR relations so that we can relate in a healthy way and MEND OUR OWN MEDICINE HOOP OR WEB. In fact all the way I relate and all the stories i have created. Healing is that I don’t need to figure this out and fix it all at once. 

Mental Health Checkpoints by Szilvia: 

🌿If you are not mentally healthy you may not even know it because you never knew how mental health feels like. 

🌿Your body makes good chemistry that contribute to your well being. Yes, this means that you can come to chemical balance with natural methods such as doing Forrest Yoga with an experienced teacher. Please note many times it is important you take medications to get you out of a DEEP DITCH. (Listen to your doctors’ advice.) 

🌿Your body wants to heal. I am going to say this again. YOUR BODY WANTS TO HEAL. 

🌿Meet yourself where you are at. 

🌿Set realistic goals. 

🌿Create a support web and work with them on a regular basis. (Don’t overwhelm one person all the time but reach out on a rotation schedule)

🌿Do things that spark up your Spirit

🌿Safeguard your wellness, set boundaries, recognize when it’s “not my circus, not my monkeys” situation. 

Please remember to reach out to your support web when you are healing crisis in your life!!!!!!! HARD WORK PAYS OFF. Friend, I want you to heal. Invest in your health. 

Szilvia Campbell